About us


Terms Date:
Dates of opening and closing of terms are announced well in advance. All parents are required to strictly adhere to these dates. Students are expected to return to School on the date specified. The school will NOT be able to make any travel arrangements if parents do not inform us in advance (a week before the date) for the Summer, Diwali, and Winter Breaks. Students who do not turn up on time for the re-opening of term without a valid reason, run the risk of not being allowed to attend School for the rest of the term, or being held back at the beginning of the vacation.


  • Fees become due twice in a year, starting the session and after the 1st Day of October. In any event, all dues must be paid within the stipulated time (Maximum 30 days from the date stated). All dues must be paid in full. Payments in installments are not acceptable. In the case of Fee defaulters, the school will have to take the extreme option of imposing a penalty.
  • The Fees currently in force is as per the Fees Schedule attached to the School Prospectus and on the net. The School Management is at liberty to revise the Fee Structure at any time.
  • Security Deposit: Security deposit, is charged at the time of admission and adjusted or refunded (on demand) when the student leaves School. Any security deposit lying unclaimed for a period of more than three years after the student has left the school will be forfeited in favour of the school.
  • Any other Government Tax/ Cess shall be borne by the parents.


  • Students who do not make any progress, may be asked to leave or repeat a class.
  • Admission to class XI, of the students who have finished class X from the School, is not guaranteed and the school exercises the right to readmit a student into class XI based on his Academic / Disciplinary / Health record. The choice of subjects for the students promoted from grade X to XI shall be based on the evaluation of skills and aptitude in the relevant subjects. The school’s decision in this regard is final and binding.
  • Students caught cheating, bullying, or bringing disrepute to the school by/ through any form of unacceptable behaviour, will be expelled. The principal’s decision in these matters is final.
  • In case of withdrawal during the academic year, the application must be made two months before the commencement of the next term or else 50% OF CAUTION MONEY will be deducted.
  • No charges will be made in case the letter intimating the intention to withdraw reaches us before the dates specified.

Leaving the School:
Whenever a student leaves School or passes out from School, the student SHOULD TAKE THEIR BELONGINGS WITH THEM & if anything is left behind the same must be collected within one month of leaving, failing which, the school authorities shall be free to dispose of /donate the same.

Outings: The Outings will be as per the School Calendar or the School Circulars. Day outing time is 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. However, parents coming to take their ward for a LEAVE OUT must pick up the child by 6.00 pm. Also, parents coming to LEAVE the students to the school are not allowed to enter the school premises and the students must be left at the entry gate ensuring the registration of their ward’s entry with the security by 8.00 p.m. However, if parents /guardians wish to visit/meet the Principal/any Teacher, they can do so preferably by prior appointment. Outing on festivals or function days will strictly be a “LEAVE Out”. This means that only the parent or authorized guardian possessing the school’s valid identity card can take the student out. Outings, including Lunch Outings on birthdays that fall on weekdays, are strictly NOT allowed. No outing is allowed on a Sunday/holiday that falls before an Exam.

Note: Parents/grandparents wishing to take their wards for an Outing must give a minimum of four clear days’ notice to the principal. Parents/grandparents/guardians will be permitted to enter the school premises only if they possess a valid identity card issued by the school authorities.

Leave Out:

  • Parents will be allowed one “flexible” Leave Out each term. This Leave Out will be decided by the parent and it can be taken at any time during the term, provided, of course, that there is no clash with the school curriculum.
  • In addition, for any one religious festival or other occasion, one extra Leave Out will be available to the parent during the calendar year. Besides any serious issues. To sum up, a total of three Leave Outs are possible during the calendar year. All three can be taken separately, or they can be clubbed together in one of the two terms, leaving one for the remaining term.

Note: Request for Leave Out must reach the principal at least a week in advance.

Rules For Visiting Students: Students are allowed to meet only those visitors whose names have been advised by parents to the school. Visitors may meet their wards with permission of the principal between 9 am – 6 pm only on the Outing days. In case of an emergency, the visitor must obtain prior permission from the Principal / Vice-Principal, Action will be taken against Students who meet visitors without permission. Visitors must leave the Campus by 6:00 p.m.

Visitors’ Cars: No vehicles are permitted beyond the parking area near the Eco Space. The school takes a very serious view of parents allowing their children to drive without a license. Any Students caught driving without appropriate papers will be dealt with appropriately, even if the incident should occur during the vacations.

Food / Any Other Item: No form of food/ beverage from outside or any other item e.g. Mobiles, Tabs, etc should be brought inside the school premises. Tuck or any other item found in the possession of a child will be confiscated. Only non-video portable music player is permitted. For birthday parties, the school makes arrangements for cakes, etc. Parents/ Visitors are strictly forbidden from bringing any form of food items to the school campus. Any parcel/ packet/ baggage transported by a visitor/ student will be inspected at the Hostel gate by the authorized Staff and Security Personnel. Parents are advised not to enter into any altercation with the guards. Should there be some area of differences, do contact the appropriate authority.

Health: The parents should be very clear with the child’s health when the child re-joins. Any child found to be suffering from any disease on joining would be asked to go back and report after being certified fit by the Doctor. Also, Students who need spectacles must bring their prescriptions and a spare pair of glasses. The submission of false medical certificates including those to take leave may attract expulsion.

Expensive Items: Students are not allowed to bring any expensive personal items/gadgets such as iPods, cameras, or memory storage devices (CD/ USB devices) with them. In case a student brings any expensive gadget with him, the school cannot be held responsible for its safety. No electrical or electronic device/appliance is to be brought to school by the students. These will be confiscated. In case any student brings a camera for Photography or mid-term break, he must deposit the same with his Housemaster.

Unauthorised Accounts: Parents are advised not to open any account for their wards with any establishment in Pune. If a student is found with such an account, severe disciplinary action will be taken.
Cash: Students are not allowed to keep money with them. In case they have money, it must be handed over to the Housemasters at the beginning of the term.

Mobile Phones: The possession and use of mobile phones is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If caught, the phone will be confiscated and will not be returned. Possession of mobile phones will lead to stringent disciplinary action including expulsion. Visitors are advised not to let any Students use their mobile phones, except their ward, while on campus, under any circumstances.

Rest Hour: No Students should be seen outside the Dormitory during rest hour, especially in the summer.

Hospital: Students admitted in the school hospital, are not permitted to leave the Hospital premises without the Doctor’s permission. If a student falls ill during an outing with the Parents/Guardians, the school hospital must be informed. The students must be brought back to the school for an examination by the School Doctor. Medical leave is permitted only if the child is referred to an outstation Specialist. The Resident Medical Officer will only grant medical leave after submission by the parent of the “Medical Leave Application” available in the School Hospital.

Bath: All games must be concluded before Bath time and everyone must bathe before Evening Prep or other specified activities.


  • Parents are, however, not allowed to enter the school when dropping their wards back after their Outing.
  • Parents/Guardians/Visitors are requested not to bring armed guards inside the Campus.
  • Parents are allowed to discuss only the academic-related issues of their ward with teachers and office staff.

Religious Festivals: The school is strictly secular, and does not allow the observance of any religious rituals or practices that may interfere with the day-to-day life of the school. The principal’s decision in these matters is final. However, students are free to practice their “BELIEFS” off campus (under parental supervision). This will be permitted during term time by the time permitted off campus as per School Rules.

Environment Code: The school is a “Tobacco Free Zone” and visitors are requested NOT to bring/consume any form of tobacco on the school premises. Visitors are requested NOT to bring any plastic into the Campus.

Honesty Code: Cheating in the examination is treated as an act of dishonesty and the school takes a very serious view of such cases. Any student found cheating shall be awarded a zero and shall be under strict observation. However, repetition of any such act shall result in expulsion from the school. Cases of plagiarism too will be treated as “Cheating”.

Important Note:

  • The principal’s decision in all disciplinary matters is final and binding.
  • The School Rules are subject to revision from time to time.